Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Conan - Dark Horse Art


     Below is a piece I did for the "Conan Cover Art Contest" last year. It was a piece I did while still learning some new styles and skills. I have since been in school learning and upgrading my abilities but I think this piece actually did very well, and got a noticeable mention during the entire process.

I thanks Dark Horse for holding contests like this that allow regular artists a platform to put their skills to good work. It was colored by the one and only James Anderson, as usual. Make sure to let him know if you need any web work or even flats or colors on your work, as he always enjoys the side work.


Conan is Copyright

I hope you enjoy this piece, as everyone loves savages, snakes and tied up women.... right? Enjoy, and keep checking in. Make sure to leave a comment, and let me know if you see my work anywhere. I love knowing it gets out there.

Cliff England Comic Art
"Stupid is a choice.." - Jim Brown

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